Friday, February 6, 2009


We have been home for a few days now and I am just now able to add an update. I have heard from many that Haiti will become a part of your life and that you cannot understand until you have been there. I add my voice to both of these statements, I have not been able to get Haiti and the unbeleivable struggles they face out of my mind since I returned. We end up taking so much for granted in our lives and I am embarressed when I think about the things I worried about just a few short weeks ago. My family is so blessed and needs to do more to help people who have so few options in their own lives.

Haiti weighs heavy on my heart and I am determined to do as much as I can to support change, education and most importantly the orphange.


  1. Amen! What a great post. What a gift we have in Haiti. I hope you guys have a wonderful weekend! ~ Mare

  2. We wish we could have been on the trip. Your chldren are so beautiful and i do agree that once you have been to Haiti it is a part of your life, your heart beacuase everytime you leave you leave a pert of your heart there
