Before and after eating FMSC rice!

Have you ever thought that $5.00 could feed a child for a month! Well it can and I have personally held a little boy that was 4 yrs old and very close to death from not having any food.WoW, it was alot to take in. but after receiving these boxes and loading them into a suitcase is a very strong and emotional experience. But I am so thankful for it.If every person gave $1.00 to a great cause that really cares about the people it is serving WOW it could change so much so we as Americans Have so much but lets give $1.00 and see what a difference it can make . I wish the U.S. had a program where we as Americans had to visit a 3rd world country to see how great a country we have. who cares if we vote republic or democrati!. what really matters is starving kids or starving adults who watch there family not make it to the age of 56 yrs old. I know most parents are older then that in this country,can you Imagine not having your mom or dad around to see the milestones in your life! well right know take that dollar off your floor or out of your car that you just have laying around and feed a child!
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